Wednesday 19 June 2013

La Luchas! A dream come true.

Now-most of you know that I have an unnatural obsession with Luchadores-the masked fighters of Mexico. They are a well recognised part of Mexican Culture and they are used in childrens TV to teach them about right and wrong. There are 'good' Luchas (Los Technicos) and 'bad' ones (Los Rudos). There are midget fighters, cross dressing ones and even female fighters. They take their mask wearing to an extreme-at one point a Lucha was involved in politics and used to wear his mask in Parliament. We thought maybe I could get into the industry and that my stage name should be 'La Kangaroo' (obviously said with a Mexican accent and in a WWF-esque voice). 

Last time I went to Mexico it was too dangerous to go and was informed if we went I would have to dress like a boy and cover my hair-but not this time!!!! I had heard a rumour that we might have been able to go but it wasn't until the tickets were purchased did I allow myself to get excited! And by crickey, was I excited! Most of you have heard what happened when I went to the Lucha Libre in London and if not I'm frankly surprised as I do like to whip it out at social occasions. 

I'm not going to go into great detail as the photos speak for themselves but we ended up with ringside seats, the costumes and drama were amazing and there were some choice things in spanish being yelled out around us. The best I could come up with my limited Spanish was 'Tu es gordito como mi abuela' which badly translates to 'you are fat like my grandmother' (sorry to both my grandmothers). Poor effort I know. We were filmed a number of times for TV screaming like Bogans. Sometimes being an enormous blonde in red lipstick pays off. Sometimes.


(We couldn't quite work out if they were meant to be screws or sperm on his pants-obviously that puts a whole new spin on 'eat this')


(Imagine taking that home to your mum)

My phone ran out of storage so I wasn't able to get any photos from the last couple of fights which was a shame as they had some of the best costumes. Think Sombrero, Speedos with the mexican flag, fake gun and tassled boots. A midget in a day of the dead skeleton suit. A man in purple sparkly latex pants with flowers on his mask. I can't properly describe how bad/awesome they were. There were two 'Australian' fighters there- I don't use the '' lightly- as it was HIGHLY unlikely they were Australian, even the people sitting behind us were skeptical. Also, unfortunately I can't load videos! 

An amazing night and frankly, a dream come true! 

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